No Parking Zone! => Off Topic, Off Colour, and non-motorcycle related => Topic started by: JuST Peter on May 22, 2012, 11:53:53 AM

Title: Light bulb changer!!!
Post by: JuST Peter on May 22, 2012, 11:53:53 AM
He totally doesn't get paid enough! I got the heebie jeebies just watching this and had to walk away for a bit!  Heights are definitely not my thing!
I wonder what they pay this guy per hour.
1768 feet straight up ... wait until you see this!
It is incredible what people do for a living!!!!!!!!!!
Just wait for the cartoon intro to finish, then hold on to your seat.
click on the link:
www.liveleak.com/e/07b_1284580365 (http://www.liveleak.com/e/07b_1284580365)
Title: Re: Light bulb changer!!!
Post by: Whizz on May 22, 2012, 02:42:15 PM
Sorry but these blokes are completely off their skulls! I wouldn't do that job for all the tea in China!
Title: Re: Light bulb changer!!!
Post by: alans1100 on May 22, 2012, 03:13:45 PM
Motorcyling is totally safe compared to this.

I had a similar feeling with the new 'King Kong" movie with the Empire State Building scenes. Yet five miles high in a plane I am ok.
Title: Re: Light bulb changer!!!
Post by: Malcolm6112 on May 22, 2012, 06:25:15 PM
I love abseiling and heights really don't bother me, as long as I'm in a harness and tied off to an anchor point.

I'm with you on this one Peter. No way.

Title: Re: Light bulb changer!!!
Post by: Biggles on May 22, 2012, 06:47:02 PM
I wouldn't climb that skinny pole that is the final 50 feet if it was to get on the roof of my two storey house.  I've got clammy hands after watching the video.  Just when he arrives, another nerveless fellow arrives.  I wonder what they get paid.  They would be uninsurable.

They would need a totally reliable weather forecast for wind and storms.  As he says, there's no quick way down. I would have thought a parachute would be a good idea for an emergency descent- there would be enough time to get it open.
Title: Re: Light bulb changer!!!
Post by: Tipsy on May 22, 2012, 07:23:13 PM
Many years ago I use to go hang gliding but I definately would not be doing that.

any way the knees would not hold up now a days   :crackup :crackup :crackup :cuss