Honda ST1100 Section => Honda ST1100 General Questions => Topic started by: Turtle on January 03, 2013, 08:10:22 AM
Had a ticking in the bike after giving it a rev and when it returned to idle slight ticking for about 5 seconds or so sounded like valve top end so I did the valve check all in spec so I headed down to supercheap and got some Nulon Air Intake Cleaner so off with the carburettor cover bike warm and spray down the carbs while keeping it from stalling half the can in and let sit for 10 mins then restart and rest of the can in and the smoke wow looked like I blew the motor lol after about 5 mins it cleared up and then off for a ride and I can say no more ticking and the idle has really smoothed out I must say after 120,000km I think I had a lot of carbon buildup in the cylinders and on the valves this product is a bit like seafoam in America
Maybe worth a try if u have rough idle or valve noise
And fresh oil and filter fitted after
Nice one Turtle - thanks for sharing. :thumbsup
But, if it's just a cloud of smoke you're after - I recommend a tankful of diesel - available almost anywhere! :fp
Cheers, Diesel
Nice one Turtle - thanks for sharing. :thumbsup
But, if it's just a cloud of smoke you're after - I recommend a tankful of diesel - available almost anywhere! :fp
Cheers, Diesel
I thought you'd forgotten about that little episode! :p
I read somewhere that Deisel had quite some expertise in that area.......... >:()
A long time ago Diesel was put into petrol tanks (about half a litre per tank) to help clean piston ring grooves on old engines that had sludged up. This was supposed to free the rings and stop oil usage (ie smoking). I tried it once on an old corolla of the ex's and it did seem to cut the smoking for a while, but was not a substitute for new parts. Some of the modern 'petrol system cleaners' smell like Diesel.
Way back when, we used to use hydraulic fluid to do a rapid de-coke. Take the top off the air cleaner, start the engine and slowly pour about a half-pint of hydraulic fluid into the air cleaner whilst keeping the engines revs well up. Don't let the engine revs drop too much or it will stall and be an absolute bugger to start again thereafter. But with a rapidly running engine you'd get a big black cloud of smoke from the exhaust, and the smoke would slowly turn white as the carbon burnt off. Worked a treat and saved heaps of time and effort stripping the engine down and manually de-coking it.
I wouldn't recommend this with modern engines, they'd probably have a fit!
In the days of Kerosene tractors, it was common practice to use rice grains. Similar with engine hot and full revs (remember these old side valve engines only reved to about 800rpm) rice was slowly dribbled into the air intake or carby. The hard grains knocked the carbon off and gave a wonderful aroma of cooking rice without engine damage. This was usally done on a bare patch of ground as the red hot bits of carbon from the pipe would start a grass fire.
Nothing smoked like the Redex treatment. It seemed to sometimes clean things out.
I have used the intake cleaner to clean up carbs while they were off the bike, but did not think to try it while the bike was running.
REDEX .. No, not Red Necks, RedEx. Don't know if its available in Oz, but we used to use it all the time in U:K. Sounds similar to the Nulon stuff mentioned in that you'de pour it direct into the carbies, but it was also available at the servo pumps in a hand held pump that discharged a measured "shot". 1 Shot / gallon and the engines where always clean and smooth. Nowadays I use 'Industrial Chemical Tecnologies F-10 Fuel Treatment. 6ml / tank full. Seems to work as the tick-over is sweet and smooth, even down to 400 rpm on test.
It certainly is, or was. bring back memories of Gelignite Jack and the REDEX Trials...
Look that up on GooGoo
Kevan, "Redex" is so much easier to say than "'Industrial Chemical Tecnologies F-10 Fuel Treatment" :rofl :crackup :rofl :crackup
Oh go get a bear Whizz :beer
:thumbsup Nice call though.
Oh go get a bear Whizz :beer
:thumbsup Nice call though.
What for? To dance with? :grin
I must admit that I didn't understand that reference either. :crazy
Oh go get a bear Whizz :beer
:thumbsup Nice call though.
I think it is a "typo" and should read "beer" as the smilies are having beers ???
BEER, BEER, BEER. Thats definitely what I meant.. Life can be so cruel sometimes, I nearly always write bear when I mean beer. Perhaps it has some deep and meaningful sub-tonic meaning (or do I maen Meening :crackup)
Anyway. I'm still gonna go and buy some Redex. Maybe if I drink it it'll blow my doslikseeA out :thumbs
Dyslexia Rules, KO :think1