General Category => Active Polls => Topic started by: Diesel on December 10, 2011, 05:55:44 PM

Title: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: Diesel on December 10, 2011, 05:55:44 PM
As a ST pilot, you are on of the safest riders around (statistically) - what do you need to watch out for THE MOST when you saddle up and tear off?

Remember - you may well have to watch ALL of the above - but the question asks about the BIGGEST DANGER.

You can change votes (up to 10 times).

Post a great story/incident you may have experienced below for ALL OF US to learn from...

Cheers, Diesel
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: Carrelli on December 10, 2011, 06:22:16 PM
Hi everyone, my daily commute on carrelli is about 65km all up. Within that point to point one way  journey are no less than five school zones. Over the last four years I have come to this view point.

1. Watch out for the people who have left picking up their rug rats till the last possible moment... most parents.
2. Watch out for the people who have picked up their rug rats and need to get home.. asp...most parents. (I know it's asap but they really really need to save time).
3. Within the above group, watch out for large, baby killing four wheel drives driven by, usually, an incredibly small statured person, with all of the above thrown in.
4. Especially watch out for all of the above when the conversation/ interest/ admonition is concentrated on the rear or passenger seats...ALL parents!
5.... and blond chicks in hyundi excels

Tonque in check with a dash of reality.. well perhaps a real big dash of reality

Cheers and do try to keep the black stuff under ya
Carrelli (snr)
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: saaz on December 10, 2011, 07:32:28 PM
No category for me..Subaru 4 wheel drives, most likely wagons. Drivers of those have tried to kill me in the car ( ran into the side of my car and nearly flipped it on a roundabout) and the bike (I did not need that space on the road I was on on a white police looking bike did I really want that bit of road!) over the years!

Anyone with a 'baby on board' sticker as they drive like they want to kill those spawn from hell they have on board..must have lost the will to live.
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: terrydj on December 10, 2011, 09:25:46 PM
Decided a long time ago that everything is out to get me including the bike I'm riding, so I look out for everything and then I look for more 8)
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: Brock on December 10, 2011, 11:18:03 PM
School pickup mums, they may be able to multi task, but at school out, they forget how to drive. :||||
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: terrydj on December 11, 2011, 08:33:43 AM
School pickup mums, they may be able to multi task, but at school out, they forget how to drive. :||||
That's because a lot of em are drunk. When I was working on the roads the amount of drunk mothers I would see on their way to pick up the kids, when they were pulled over at a stop point you wouldn't believe, right down to a "Mother" on a major highway with a wheelie bin still attached to her bumper bar still full of rubbish. She never even knew it was their. You'd see em sucking on their water bottles full of wine on their way to pick up the kids???????
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: Tipsy on December 11, 2011, 08:54:20 AM
 :wht11 py
it really has to those mums picking up/ dropping of the rug rats, you see I reckon that when they pick their tin top keys they put their BRAINS where their keys were.
Hell and everything else as well, including that Bite-U-Man
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: Poppy Dave on December 11, 2011, 11:53:20 AM
ALL other road users.
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: Carrelli on December 11, 2011, 04:06:58 PM
Decided a long time ago that everything is out to get me including the bike I'm riding, so I look out for everything and then I look for more 8)
Hi Terry, now Diesel has opened Pandoras box here.
We all have things that annoy us on the road, but this thread might define what will kill us.
+1 for your comment
I ride to enjoy my existense here on this planet. I acknowledge that there are others who might unknowingly terminate my enjoyment, hence your words echo with mine.
I WILL break the speed limit/ overtake in a double white line zone/ and do certain other things that to ..some others.. might seem totally reckless and irresponsible, by "Their rules".
I have done this for a total of near 40 years.
I always offer a wave to anyone I might overtake, especially a bike aware motorist and yes you can pick them.
I try to Never scare older drivers ( or any road user for that matter, but especially older folk who are just trying to get around), because we as motorcyclists are far more manouvorable and faster than the average tin top...or for that matter, what the tin top pilot is aware of.
In a sentence, I ride to survive, and I no longer blame anyone but myself for any incident or near miss.
There was/ is a saying out there that allows a certain degree of manouverability with all of this. "treat every other road user as if they are intent on hurting you"
I just acknolowedge this and keep growing my road skills.

Now keep the black stuff under ya and have a great ride

Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: alans1100 on December 11, 2011, 05:12:47 PM
There's not one thing that I can put a finger on for this topic. I've had my bike licence for around 35 years with most of that riding in suburban Adelaide traffic. One thing that stands out is delivery vans.

The partner and I were riding into the city one weekday afternoon and there was this one van driver changing lanes like there was no tomorrow. He was plainly a danger to himself and the rest of us near him. To cut this short, I down shifted, lane splitted and got to a safer part on the road.

This manouver upset my partner a little and mentioned this incident to our neighbor at the time. His response surprised her, "if your in a bad situtation, do what you need to do to get out of it."

He was one of those lucky people who get paid to ride. Not sure if he's still riding the usual white beemer of the South Australian Police force but it was good advice and i use it everyday I ride or drive the car.

Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: scarp on December 12, 2011, 07:41:19 PM
Gotta Say Both Carelli & Alan have hit it on the head I've had a couple of major accidents over the years that have hospitalised me for some time & although I was "in the right" when the "accident" happened that is no comfort when the surgeon is telling your parents they may have to amputate your leg.
Now I know that I would never put myself in that situation again, just change lanes & let em go by no abuse no finger just get on with my ride.
Be Aware of your surrounds & ride accordingly thats my advice to all new riders I meet. There is no glory in kicking off a mirror or yelling & screaming at them if they did not "see" you.  It's coz they think your a 2nd class citizen to start with & there is no need to confim it in their minds for them
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: Malcolm6112 on December 12, 2011, 08:17:43 PM
The one most scary thing on our roads, are other road users.
This point was raised in the preceding posts as well.
When I got my drivers licence, 26 years ago, I did a motorcycle riding course. One piece of info that always comes to mind...
"Treat other road users as if they are out to get you"
In other words, If people are playing silly buggers, get out of there.

Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: Diesel on December 12, 2011, 08:35:32 PM
Gotta Say Both Carelli & Alan have hit it on the head I've had a couple of major accidents over the years that have hospitalised me for some time & although I was "in the right" when the "accident" happened that is no comfort when the surgeon is telling your parents they may have to amputate your leg.
Now I know that I would never put myself in that situation again, just change lanes & let em go by no abuse no finger just get on with my ride.
Be Aware of your surrounds & ride accordingly thats my advice to all new riders I meet. There is no glory in kicking off a mirror or yelling & screaming at them if they did not "see" you.  It's coz they think your a 2nd class citizen to start with & there is no need to confim it in their minds for them

That right there folks, is the ethos we should all adopt for longevity. Thanks Scarp. In fact - you have ALL put in some great info - keep 'em coming.

I have been guilty myself of shaking my finger of disapproval or nodding my head to acknowledge a "bloody insane act of motoring". Fair dinkum, I sometimes wished I had a badge to pull people over with and have a chat about the decisions they just made in a 3000lb 'death machine'.

Anyway, rant over. thanks for the A grade input on this one STers!

Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: Gavo on December 12, 2011, 10:53:46 PM
open road country ridding mostly wild life , Kangaroos ect
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: Malcolm6112 on December 13, 2011, 06:01:10 PM
I'm surprised that no one has said Gavo and his lights!  :rofl

Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: Gavo on December 13, 2011, 06:04:31 PM
Since fitting my lights its supprising how many other bikes i now notice with extra lighting
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: rendog on December 13, 2011, 07:08:34 PM
Nearest traffic light is 130km's away.
We seem to make our own road rules up this way.
But they are based on a sense of respect for other road users.
That's why I always slow down to overtake  :whistle
Wildlife is the single biggest danger out here.
Well B-triples etc punch a fair amount of wind around too, so I get outta their way.
Some places the bitumen is so narrow I pull over and stop on the dirt shoulder.  :eek
It's a vast country we live in hey? Gotta love it.
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: Shiney on December 14, 2011, 09:48:29 PM
I have been very lucky in my years of riding… :)
Never had a blowout (that sounds very scary), never hit any wildlife, and have only had a few accidents.

In one accident I was travelling along in an 80kph zone on a newly gravelled road (loose gravel), I observed a truck and trailer down the road pulling off to the side so I slowed down to 60, when he was almost stopped I speed back up to 80.

Then as I got closer (without indicating) he turned out in front of me going into a driveway on the other side of the road,  :eek I hit the brakes but realised I wouldn’t stop before running into the cab of the truck, so since he wasn’t slowing down I decided to go around behind him.

Well just my bad luck the front tyre slipped out from under me and the bike went down sliding under the trailer and out the other side, I went sliding on my belly heading for the rear wheels of the trailer (thank god for full face helmets, had gouges out of the chin guard after) so I rolled over and slid under the rear of the trailer just missing the wheels and out the other side.

Got a few scars from that little scrape.

Anyway the thing that I look out for most is people not indicating, :cuss I'm getting good at spotting the idiots that like to merge without indicating, but it's still is a problem.
And as has been stated before the best thing to do is expect everyone to be out to get you… or at least expect them to have no skill or commonsense.
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: scarp on December 15, 2011, 08:42:03 AM
Sounds like a scary experience, speaking of not indicating, I once was following a car on a major road doing about 40kph after following for some time I decided to overtake, of course as I did he turned right into a driveway hitting my left leg with his bumper causing 3 compound fractures to my lower left leg dislocating both knees & fracturing my right wrist.
I learned that day that if someone is travelling along like that they are prolly looking for somewhere to turn BEWARE
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: OzRider on December 15, 2011, 12:58:54 PM
The 2 'R's up this way Roadtrains and Roos :cuss :cuss
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: OzRider on December 16, 2011, 11:50:06 AM
The reason why you dont mess with Road Trains the attached happened at Humpty Doo this week on the road to Kakadu

Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: alans1100 on December 16, 2011, 01:55:56 PM
Having worked in both Port Hedland (14 months) and Karratha (29 months) WA . from March 2007 to November 2010 I never had  problems with any heavy vehicles ranging from 18 wheelers to quad road trains. Including trips to Perth, Broome. Marble Bar and at least four round trips to Adelaide and back in that time as well.

On the hand I lost count of the 4WD's and cars whose drivers thought they owned the road. Most driving company vehicles in excess of 120kph and mostly male drivers showing off to their work mates.



Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: laurie on December 16, 2011, 03:56:57 PM

I watch out for....
Wallabies,Pheasants,Geese,Ducks,Bloody big Pythons,assorted Lizards,Echidnas,Bandicoots,Hares and Rabbits, gravel washed out of farm driveways, enormous potholes and backpackers in Campervans trying to find the Nimbin turnoff. You can probably guess,But I dont live in the City...........
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: Tipsy on December 16, 2011, 05:40:38 PM
 :wht11 py
 sounds like the Aussie Zoo just a little north of Brissie
aka Laurie
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: pault on December 17, 2011, 12:49:36 AM
latest is half a house doing 80 k and bits of fibro flying off
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: gerd on December 17, 2011, 03:53:22 PM
I don't trust anyone on a roundabout to follow the road rules ie beware of anyone using or not using indicators when they are on a roundabout. Cars with their right indicators flashing will go straight ahead and those without indicators on at all will turn left.

I have also had several near misses when cars change lanes without looking properly as it is easy for a motorcycle to be in their mirror blind spot.

Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: Brock on December 17, 2011, 05:06:25 PM
That applies if riding a bike or driving a car... :law :law :law
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: rendog on December 19, 2011, 02:35:50 PM
Why aren't logging truck listed ???


Caution: contains graphic (really cool & realistic) special effects
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: innet57 on December 20, 2011, 02:21:17 AM
It's very gratifying to read several posts here where riders cite their strategy of just getting away from the danger regardless of what they have to do to get there. I fully endorse the tactic. I call it, "searching for clear space" and it simply requires me having 50 metres clear distance in front and behind from any other vehicle. If it's a multi-lane road, then there should be no vehicles on either side of me as well. As soon as my clear space is invaded I take whatever action is required to regain it. Sure I speed and undertake a few dangerous maneuvers to achieve my desired outcome, but I'm still here and I know for a fact there was a few times I wouldn't have been if I didn't.

I've been riding for 41 years and one of them got me once. That was 36 years ago and I don't plan for one to ever get me again. That was caused by a car towing a trailer doing a U-turn in front of me without indicating. There was no road left by the time I T-boned him.

Another defence mechanism I've developed is "wheel watching". Useful mainly on multi-lane roads, this strategy has been born out of vehicles in front of me failing to indicate their intention to change lanes. I use it when approaching from behind or travelling beside a vehicle. When you're beside a vehicle it's difficult to see their indicators even if they are using them. If you watch carefully out of the corner of your eye, it's relatively easy to notice their front wheel starting to turn in toward you. Time to either accelerate out of there or brake if you have to. Accelerating is my preferred method, I have nightmares about braking hard and getting rammed from behind having seen that happen once.

Also, the old man in the Volvo is not a joke. I've twice been caught following a Volvo when they've passed a parallel park and upon realising just stopped and threw her into reverse seemingly thinking I was invisible. It is impossible to push a ST backwards up a sloping road so all I had left was to hang on my horn. I swear the old buggers were deaf too because they didn't stop in a hurry with one actually coming in contact with my front wheel before he finally executed the stop. If you see a Volvo steer course in the opposite direction.
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: Diesel on December 20, 2011, 09:09:22 AM
Good comments innet57.

I find it VERY frustrating that motorists may indicate AFTER they have begun the lane change process, and two wheels are already in the new lane.

They all seem to have forgotten that your indicator is meant to be used to let everyone know of your intentions..... NOT a lazy click just to avoid a fine as they are mostly already in the new lane.        :-(((

I call this 'Stealth Indicating' where they keep their turning/lane changing intentions TOP SECRET - right up to the last second!

I think it has come about as the new way of driving on Qld freeways - because the culture is such that if you indicate in plenty of time BEFORE changing lanes, the cars in that lane will speed up and close the gap so you CAN'T change lanes. This is typical in heavier traffic in the cage on freeways - DISGUSTING really!       :||||

You'd think that everyone would ask themselves if they have made everyone else aware that they are about to change course or direction, wouldn't you? It seems safer than to just pick a gap or lane and shoot into it.     :crazy

Hmmmmm..... there's hours more ranting we could do on this subject.          :cuss
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: Tipsy on December 21, 2011, 08:28:31 AM
 :wht11 Py

Ahh indicators ? The reality is that 99% of people think that they are an optional extra and only use then as such
 :think1 :think1 :-((( then  :cuss
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: Dan on January 08, 2012, 09:23:26 PM
My Grandad always used to say to me 'treat everyone on the road as a fool' - words that still stay with me today.
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: pault on January 09, 2012, 08:09:32 AM
dickheads with basebll caps on back to front, guaranteed to cause trouble.
paul t
Title: Re: NEW POLL - What dangers do you look out for the MOST on the road?......
Post by: gaz on January 12, 2014, 01:58:42 PM
 :think1 thats a copper but just some old fart on a  :wht13  :fp