Hi all
Just had an issue I have not come across before on my ST1100 - the side stand spring interacted with the centre stand spring, and both did not work to retract the stands. The sidestand spring had interfered with the centre stand spring and come off. Luckily this was at home so I just put the side stand spring back on.
The thing to watch out for is that the rubber tube/boot that goes around the springs are in the right position to stop the side stand spring from interfering with the centre stand spring, hooking on it and coming off, thereby stopping the centre stand spring working.
Easy enough to see as when the springs rub against each other the rubber boots should stop any interaction. Mine took 17 years to interfere, but you never know. To check put on the center stand and move the sides tand up and down. Check that the rubber boot is high enough up on the springs