Hi Folks,
Once again, slap my hand if I have put this in the wrong place...
Thought you enjoy some pictures of my latest project for the bike. With my bike being an ex-police bike, there is very little room on the handlebars for accessories to be mounted on them. For some time I have had an idea to put a bar across the top of the dashboard to mount new accessories like a GPS. Well I have finally got round to starting the project...
I have finally received the GPS unit and mounted it, I am waiting on a new USB Accessory unit and that will be going on the new crossbar. I would love to have your thoughts on it and any suggestions you might have for making sure it is not going to shake itself to bits.
I have had one cheeky ride out on the bike since the GPS was fitted and it survived... I am yet to set it up so I can actually hear the instructions and actually test the software, but so far it looks like it might be a good one... I do need to move it so I can see the indicator lights but I am waiting on a different way to power it first.
Anyways, thoughts?