Clarification on legality of helmet-mounted cameras
20140101-165833.jpgIf you are fined for having a GoPro or similar camera mounted to your motorcycle helmet, fight it.
A complaint on Facebook says a rider in Victoria was fined for wearing a Go Pro on their helmet and there have been unsubstantiated claims that riders In Queensland have been harassed by police for having cameras on their helmets.
[RECOMMENDED READING: What to do if pulled over by the police] However, there is no law against fitting anything to a helmet, so long as it does not corrupt the “structural integrity” of the helmet, which means you can’t drill holes in the helmet.
Cameras that are stuck, fitted via a suction cap, or screwed to the side via a clamp are fine. So are Bluetooth units attached in a similar fashion.
So if you are issued a ticket for having a camera fitted in this fashion, take a photo of the helmet at the time of the ticket being issued, don’t pay the fine, and fight the offence.
The Australian Standards says that no protrusion of greater than 5mm is allowed, but that refers to the manufacturing process as opposed to aftermarket products such as cameras and Bluetooth.
If a camera or other device is screwed into the helmet by drilling holes then it is interfering with the structural integrity of the helmet and the safety of the rider, and an offence is committed.
[In Queensland it is an offence for riders under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Road Rules) Regulation 2009 Section 270 (1) (a) Wearing motorbike helmets; and for for passengers it is under Transport Operations (Road Use Management—Road Rules) Regulation 2009 Section 271(2).] In Queensland, the penalty is $330 and three points. Queensland police did not have any records of anyone being fined.
It would be strange if they did fine anyone for such an offence given recent comments suggesting cyclists fit them to their helmets to collect evidence of drivers intimidating them on the roads.
If you have been fined for this offence, please leave your comment in the box below.
Also, be aware that police may and have confiscated helmet cams for evidence of traffic offences.
RECOMMENDED READING: Fined $330 for loose helmet strap and Are helmet cams safe?