Honda ST1300 Section > Electrics & Electronics - Volts, Amps and Fuses ST1300

Location and access to HISS programming port what Tupperware to remove

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West Aussie Glen:
Check out the attached.
Fairly sure there is far amount of info on this forum.
Remember you only need to top part of the key to operate the HISS.

West Aussie Glen:
THis is in the 1100 section, I assume you have a 1300.
Mr Brock can move ot to the 1300 section for you.

West Aussie Glen:
Mark you will find the attached useful when removing the tupperware. I also have a 1300 at home with no tupperware on it.

for my NT650 I ordered blank from hondashop, $25 I think, had it cut at locksmith, another $15, took bike with both keys to Hondashop who charged $65 to program.

Mark WA:
OK that sort of worked out far better than expected... last night while in the process packing up to move house I found my spare key.
Yah but still need a spare key...
Fortunately Gararge Vert  simply took the damaged key's transponder and put it in a new blank key, no HISS programming needed so the $300 quote turned out to cost $60....

and now on to the next fix... front fork seals


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