Honda ST1100 Section > Honda ST1100 Tools and Handy Gadgets

Supa Dupa Glu Dispensa


We've all had Superglue go hard in the tube.  You open it, use one drop, put the cap on and next time you want it, the cap is glued on.  If you get the cap off, the tube has gone hard.

Help has arrived.  It's not $2 a tube- it's more like $6 for the same amount.
The upside is, you'll get to use most of it, and it's easy peasy to apply.

It uses the old correcting fluid type brush.  I've done a few job with it an couldn't be happier.

Bunnings, of course.

Don't say I don't help you when I can   :grin

 :runyay :runyay :runyay :runyay :runyay :runyay


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