Honda ST1300 Section > Electrics & Electronics - Volts, Amps and Fuses ST1300

Looking for a switched feed


I have installed one of those fuze blocks that you can select continuous supply or switched supply , depending on what and when the accessories are required.

Just need to find an ignition fed live wire to energize the switched relay in the fuse block.

Was thinking of using the tail light feed as the headlights and tail lights are always on after ignition.

what would be acceptable to drive the accessory relay?

If you look under the left hand side cover you will find a block of relays.

Have a look on the covers. I took a feed from the accessory.

Pushed the terminal out and soldered a wire onto it, then pushed it back into the terminal block.
The starcom has a switched feed. You could try there too.


The tail light will suffice as a switching connection, unless you have a police model. For the police models a pick off can come from the wiring bundle in the duck tail.


--- Quote from: Malcolm6112 on May 27, 2012, 10:22:15 PM ---If you look under the left hand side cover you will find a block of relays.

Have a look on the covers. I took a feed from the accessory.

Pushed the terminal out and soldered a wire onto it, then pushed it back into the terminal block.


--- End quote ---

Worked well orange with white  :beer

Great to hear Gavo.




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