Honda ST1100 Section > Honda ST1100 General Questions

Checking and changing Valve Shims on an ST1100

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Sounds about right. You can get replacement shims from precision shims, who ship very quickly.  In doing three ST11s I ran out of the most popular size, as it seems most ST11s have the same size shims from the factory.  The shim size will be printed (on the Honda shims) or etched on (hot cams and precision shims) the shim, and I have found no wear on them as they are under the bucket but always safer to double check with a micrometer.

The factory shims also come in smaller increments that you can't buy, but no big deal as most dealers don't have them either unless they took them out of a bike.  It is a good idea while everything is out to write down which shim is where so you know what shim is needed next time.

Thanks for that.

In your experience would a slight change in valve clearance have an impact on the sound of the engine, I mean still seems to have the same power, just not as sweet and smooth as she was, or is there maybe something else.


I haven't really noticed major changes in the way the engine feels or behaves, as the ST11 is relatively robust in terms of putting up with things not being quite right, and doing the valves along with things like a carb synch seem to improve things.  Carb synch is usually the main element of getting the engine sounding smooth again, and sometimes putting some carb cleaner or similar in for a while seems to clean things out.  But mine has done 202,000kms so I probably forget what a newer ST11 sounds like, but apart from some noises at idle it still goes and sounds great, no real change in the last 130,00kms or so.  Famous last words....

--- Quote from: kappy5003 on July 26, 2013, 06:54:53 PM ---Thanks for that.

In your experience would a slight change in valve clearance have an impact on the sound of the engine, I mean still seems to have the same power, just not as sweet and smooth as she was, or is there maybe something else.


--- End quote ---

I rang a honda dealer in Perth regarding shims for AnaSTasia, they don't sell kits, only individual shims at $8.90 each :well.
 16 x $8.90 ouch  :cuss I told the guy I only wanted some parts, didn't want to become a major shareholder.  o:)

Arvo Kappy et al...

Seems to me that you are perhaps over thinking this a tad. From what l've read your bike's tappets are within the tolerances, so how about just getting on with riding and enjoying it and revisit the tappets in another 10-12Ks?

However if you wish to pursue the the valve / seat wears this decreases the gap were you put feeler gauge. So when this gap in less than the lower recommended tolerance, simply remove the shim that is already insitu and using a good oil-stone and a drop of oil, lap the shim using a figure 8 motion, reinsert the shim and re-measure. Repeat procedure until desired gap is reached...Simple. :wink1

Really, the only time you should have to play about with shim thickness varieties and kits is when the valves / seats have been re-seated.

Just a thought.

Ciao, the can :-)


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