Honda ST1100 Section > Suspension ST1100

Fork oil replacemen.

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--- Quote from: Abe on January 31, 2013, 06:21:06 PM ---On the Castrol 10W container states every 10,000 kms and when I searched the "web" some were saying everytime you change your front tyre, change your fork oil to retain optimum performance.


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I tend to go with The Honda maintenance schedule. It doesn't appear to be there so not a big issue it seems. Possibly meaning the oil if it's any good should last between for fork seal replacement.

I had just had a look in the Honda common service manual and it says to use ATF (auto trans fliud) in the forks but that's something I get done professionally; so I learnt something new today.  No hint of fork service interval in there either.


--- Quote from: Bikebear on January 31, 2013, 06:28:39 PM ---Hmmm..  can't see meself pulling the whole front end out of the bike everytime I replace the front tyre :wink1

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Big enough hassle removing the calipers last year, never mind the forks!!!!...........but that was 'cause it was the first time I removed the front wheel myself in six years.


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