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Long distance rides and cramps

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As Chris has said doing the exercises before the trouble starts is an important key to prevention.
St George have you noticed a difference in good or bad days not spent on the bike? Might be worth a chat with your doc about the issue.

I have no idea how often your on the bike but I know that in the weeks leading up to a big ride I use every excuse I can to get a few miles on the bike just to keep some ride fitness going. Being in the zone eliminates any travel anxiety and prevents that extra bit of tension from occurring and helps me stay relaxed.. If your a coffee hound like me then just cut a mug or two out each day leading up to the ride. I used to go cold turkey but found it better for me to just cut the number a bit.

Getting up on the pegs in the 80 zones for even a few seconds helps. Try twisting your trunk from side to side then if its safe curl up and stretch out as far back as comfortable at least once every hour and don't slump as this restricts your organs and your blood flow. Sit up and breath in a few times. Good breaths but don't over do it.
I saw a great set of Hwy pegs on Ash's bike. I think you would benefit from any type of Hwy peg.

Take note of how far you can travel comfortably before you need a stop and judge your short rests...I mean take the time to notice if you need a stop sooner than latter. Pulling up a quiet side road and having a short walk with the camera will bear fruit in the pics department too.

Tight cloths will bring on cramps if your unfit...which is a good number of us. Tight socks or too many layers makes everything a squeeze and your going to inadvertently cut circulation without meaning to.
If your adding layers to fight cold then make sure to let the straps or zips or stubs out a bit. And if its getting hot jump on the brakes and get ride of the liner and open a few vents including the ones in your lid. Don't fall for the  " I'll stop in the next town" trap before taking action.

My preference is riding in the cooler months but both seasons require a different approach in my planning and gear but both require my attention to conditions and what my body is telling me. I act ASAP these days.

Pocket STocker:
I have a stand and wriggle in every town we go through weather I need it or not, somewhere on our way home from Victoria we where both standing up in a 60 road works section and the car driver behind us tooted and tooted their horn, not happy about it apparently  :crackup

Pockey  :thumb

I think everyone is different.  I don't do many leg stretches compared to some, but definitely do some isometric exercises that I used to do on the trips to Europe and back on the plane.  Lots of tensing up the legs and upper body like resistance training. But nothing beats actually getting off the biek for a walk, stretch etc.

But as Gatey says, if you feel like you need more of a stop, just do it.  I work on doing the first tank before a stop, then after that depends how I feel.  Could be another tank, could be 2 hours or less.  Weather makes a big difference,  and travelling wth someone else seems to make it easier to extend the stops (depends who it is of course - I might travel with those with far better FarRider credentials than I ever will).

doggy & Nola:
some times my knees give me lots of discomfort like 100k mark I need to stop. then by the 4-500k mark I need to stop every  60-70k
 I found boxer under wear to have helped. I think the elastic band in the jocks cut circulation.
   but my bicep femoris  tends to get tender with boxers

G'day STretchers,
 :thumb :thumbsup :clap :thumbs
All good advice. Thank you. We are all different in our fitness levels, age, experience and health issues but there are factors in common to all of us. Hydration, preparation, circulation techniques, seat options, clothing, throttle locks and wing footpegs can contribute to solving the problem of chronic cramps and general discomfort.

I'm pretty much satisfied now that I can manage my cramps after that horror ride in the heat towards Middleton. I must have been dehydrated even b4 I started that day cause after only 2.5 hrs the cramps were affecting me noticeably. I won't hesitate in future to take as many breaks as I need to hydrate and stretch as often as I need as there is nothing to gain by doing anything else.
Any other advice, stories, anecdotes? Keep them coming - they're all good reading.  :hatwave


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