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Testing new cam setup - Filtering Ride

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Here's the same video without using YouTube's anti-shaking option. The jiggles r gone but the original (not the 1 above, the actual original) is much sharper.
 :H  Took 3 hours 2 upload this 5 min vid. We need a faster plan!



--- Quote from: Pezzz on February 26, 2015, 08:18:31 PM ---Looks ok to me.. the eyes look pretty cool there ....  :like

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Wyvern's eyes r always watching and glare in no uncertain terms if I speed excessively, don't check all our mirrors, don't check our tyre pressure or any other way of not being an alert dragon jockey. ;)

Better, however I realised I'm biased because my camera has a geo stabiliser built in. Stabilisation really does make a difference.
I guess that why helmet mounts seem smoother because your body is absorbing a lot of the minor shocks.
You can purchase really expensive geo stabilisers or make your own. This website shows you how and the difference.


I would also recommend, if possible trying to get the camera away from behind the windscreen as it adds a degree to blur and slight distortion.

Keep going you are moving in the right direction.

For those of you on a tight budget there are some top quality dash cams out there that don't need batteries and with the right software the 15min snapshots can be easily joined together.
This is one I highly recommend however it does need to be in a waterproof enclosure if intending to use in all weather conditions.

http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/NEW-G1W-C-Car-1080P-Dash-Camera-DVR-NTK96650-Chip-AR0330-Lens-Capacitor-Vision-/161579740294?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item259ee72c86&_uhb=1 But not necessarly this seller.



--- Quote from: Totgas on February 27, 2015, 08:07:35 PM ---http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/NEW-G1W-C-Car-1080P-Dash-Camera-DVR-NTK96650-Chip-AR0330-Lens-Capacitor-Vision-/161579740294?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item259ee72c86&_uhb=1 But not necessarly this seller.

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Pretty impressive at that price, with a screen on the back.  Bonus- free postage!

Quote from: Totgas on February 27, 2015, 09:07:35 PM<blockquote>
I would also recommend, if possible trying to get the camera away from behind the windscreen as it adds a degree to blur and slight distortion

I like the cam's position behind the screen coz it negates the need for the cam's weatherproof housing which is a possible source of blurring. It enables me to talk to the camera while on the move and thereby add narration when appropriate. Also, I don't like helmet cams coz they vary in viewing angles 2 much (agree with Biggles). This cam has anti-shake software built-in. Also, as u can c, I have elastics that r absorbing some vibration. BTW the screen wasn't as clean as it can b either.
Thnx 4 your comments tho - the links were interesting.  :thumbs


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