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Testing new cam setup - Filtering Ride

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Looks ok to me.. the eyes look pretty cool there ....  :like


--- Quote from: ST.George on February 26, 2015, 07:46:24 PM ---I used the YouTube option of reducing shakes - however the result is "jiggly" - it was far steadier b4 using the option.

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I wouldn't use that option. I tried it on one of my still cam 720p movie files and made it worse.

I don't know what compression software they use on You Tube but it reduces the quality heaps. What you put up still runs rings around some of the stuff I've seen so it's all good.

Looks good enough in the box on the forum.
Bike mounting beats that %$#@!! annoying "look right, look left, look right again" head movements in most vids.
Good to see you at 80 past the camera.
I used to hate seeing people sitting a few metres back from the line at lights, but now I love slipping into that gap.
It sounds like you work 1st, 2nd and 3rd then skip 4th.  Works for me!


--- Quote from: Biggles on February 26, 2015, 08:28:39 PM ---It sounds like you work 1st, 2nd and 3rd then skip 4th.  Works for me!
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Nice to know I'm not the only one that does that


--- Quote from: Biggles on February 26, 2015, 08:28:39 PM ---Looks good enough in the box on the forum.
Bike mounting beats that %$#@!! annoying "look right, look left, look right again" head movements in most vids.
Good to see you at 80 past the camera.
I used to hate seeing people sitting a few metres back from the line at lights, but now I love slipping into that gap.
It sounds like you work 1st, 2nd and 3rd then skip 4th.  Works for me!

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I usually do clutchless upshifts that r synchroed with throttle blips and r very quick. I like skipping 4th sometimes also but I went thru all 5 in the vid. The background music might have masked the 5th change.


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