Honda ST1300 Section > Where to Purchase Parts & items for the Honda ST1300

Key Blank


I bought a key blank (without chip) for my ST1300 recently.
I figured it might be handy to have a separate key for the odd time that I need to access the panniers or pie warmer while warming up the bike.
I do have a spare chipped key but I'm a bit hesitant to use that just in case it goes walkabout...

I bought it here:

A quick trip to the local hardware with the blank and the original key and it was soon copied...  :thumbsup

I have a few such keys (not honda though) that reside in various riding jackets and raincoat pockets just to access the panniers/top box without shutting the bike down.


--- Quote from: ruSTynutz on November 04, 2020, 09:55:58 PM ---I bought a key blank (without chip) for my ST1300 recently.

--- End quote ---

I reckon that’s a very good idea. This week I locked myself out of the bike at work. I always start the day with a coffee, and on Tuesday I left the key on the cafe counter. I didn’t notice it was missing until after the cafe had closed, and Ruth had to come and rescue me. Mind you it was nice for once to be the one being rescued.

My ST doesn’t need a chipped key, so a few $10 specials tucked away in strategic places could save future hassle.


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