Honda ST1100 Section > Brakes & Clutch ST1100

Brake Disc Advice.

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I have been using the sintered for years, as they last longer. They will give better braking performance, and will work better in high traffic situations.

I dont use OEM, as they cost more for less performance.

From my understanding sintered brake pads are better in the wet than organics.

Apparently they are also more suited for big fat blokes like me...  :thumb

With the ST weighing around the 300kg mark, my big lump of a body plus the wife on the back, who is no lightweight either (just don't tell her I said that, lol)
I figure that's a bloody lot of weight to be hauling up so I'd rather suffer a bit of extra wear on the discs if it enables us to pull up in the shortest distance possible in an emergency... :thumbs

Just for the whole picture to complete: today I took off brake pads, both, front and rear to compare them with each other: so they are exactly same on my ST1100 police 2000y, as far as i can see. But OEM part numbers are different: OEM front 45105-ML7-405, OEM rear 43108-MT3-006 which is remarkable because front pads are cheaper and easier to get rather the rear one. Does it sound anyhow correct? 

The rear pads are thicker than the front, the front pads will fit the rear but not vice versa.

have a search here in Metal Gear for your bike, they make great pads and discs.

I see. Thanks Brock. I'm waiting for my pads  to be delivered already, but the rotor is worn out as well, thanks for an advice.


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