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Rehydration products for sale

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--- Quote from: Marcus on October 31, 2014, 07:27:48 AM ---Unless you're doing a non stop trip I don't see the need. Just buy some gateraide at the next servo you refuel at

--- End quote ---

I agree with this.  Unless you are working your butt off in the middle of nowhere on dirt and need to hydrate often or you are doing a time critical IBA ride and need to drink while riding because you are only stopping every 5 hours you probably don't need one.  I always have 2 x 600ml bottles and depending on the day/length of ride maybe one powerade in the topbox for general riding just in case I break down (or blow up a motor). A camelbak is an expensive, fiddly water container if you don't have to carry water on your back and drink it through a plastic straw.

I do however like them, my wife and I have one each.

Well. I put a water bottle in the topbox for the Blackwood RTE. Unbeknown to me it leaked and I have spent two days cleaning mouldy Honda carpet. I wont fall for that again. I have a bladder for the RST jacket but its heavy if full(2 ltrs)

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I'd be surprised if there was any system that completely protects against user/unfortunate error.  I saw a very experienced LD rider refill a camelback 12 hours into a 23.5 hour day ride (with water and some electrolytes) and had to stop 20k's up the road because it was running down his butt crack and soaked his duds.  I don't think he went mouldy though even though it took a looooong time to dry out, eeeew.
Won't mention his name though, it was just an ox-ident.  :wink1

I carry two one litre drink bottles in my top box, and have a decent guzzle whenever I stop, usually every couple of hours.    I discussed hydration with my doctor, and on his advice I put a couple of teaspoons of gatoraide powder in each bottle, which speeds up the absorption of the liquid into your body, and reduces the overfull feeling after a big drink.   Weak cordial, some fruit juice, or virtually any additive to the water gives the same benefit.


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