OzSTOC Ride Reports, Pictures & Videos => RIDE REPORTS => Topic started by: Streak on February 03, 2013, 09:50:05 PM

Title: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: Streak on February 03, 2013, 09:50:05 PM
Well here we go, Streaks Nambucaa FarRide Round 2...

For those of you not informed last Year, Diesel and I did the same ride but we how you say....had some timing difficulty's....that resulted in myself missing out on my Far Ride Number (I am sure the blanks will be filled in lol).....anyway....

For a quick Fill in for those who dont know, the challenge is to complete a certain amount of KM's in 24 hours, this one is a 1,000km you cant start before 12.30pm in the timezone the ride is held in, and you have to check in by 12.30pm the following day.

Packing like a madman on Thursday night as i had worked late, and had to work on Friday morning, so running around looking for my bike keys in the dark was somewhat entertaining to the kids and teela for some reason, i was trying out a couple of new things this trip, using my 2L CamelBak, with Rehydration, and also using the Zen Motorcycle Gear Summer Gloves (I will do reports on these properly later)


This year we Started from separate points, so after i floated in from work, and scooted onto the bike at 11.25am and headed to BP on tor for fuel, triple checking the docket (of course), 11.35am and it is off to Toogoolawah to meet Diesel, and get my first 100km out of the way, saw some of the damage caused by the rain with some flooding damage, and small land slips between Highfields and ESK. This was the easy bit, met up with diesel after riding past him first and we where on our way!

So we powered through Toowoomba, Men on their bikes the wind and the sun with them......errrr STOP, with the flooding we spend quite a bit of time stick in road works and traffic lights and stop go men between toowoomba and Warwick, which put us behind (which actually did us a favour further down the road).


but we filtered our way though, stopped for a quick coffee in Warwick, at this point i thought Diesel and early on set of alzheimer's as he could not find his walled (in his jacket), and leaving his kidney belt in the coffee shop.

Everything was awesome, weather was perfect, bike was on song, scooted through Stanthorpe, Tenterfield, our comms working perfectly as we where chatting about all the Granite in the hills, we started to notice some black cloud as we where getting towards Glen Innes, and then the hills parted, and there is was, lightning, thunder and a bloody huge wall of RAIN, and not the kind stuff!

We flew into the united fuel depo, had to fuel as the bikes we where low, we clicked off the pumps and the Sideways Rain just poured in, we had to quickly side the bikes around the side of the service station, this was about 6.30pm.


and this is where we stayed until about 9pm, sitting there watching the rain fall, as we had accomodation booked in Inverell, and needed the distance so the next day would not be so hard, below is us sitting in the Truckies lounge waiting...and waiting.....


The rain cleared no problem, which was good as we where making plans to sleep at the servo, as we suited up to go, not 1 but 3 truckies approached us to check where we where going, and if we were going to be ok (thank you gents).

into inverell, could not find an open bottleshop or pub for even a small drink to knock us out, so it was into the Fossickers Rest Caravan Park, into bed about 11ish, and then it was up at 3.20am and heading to Tamworth via Barraba, Diesel and I came up with the idea of me sitting behind with and running both our sets of HID's to make it easier to see, it was like Christmas! my photo does not do it justice!


but we saw very little wild life, so our average speed kept up nicely as we scooted through, we where running that well we even pull up for thermos coffee in Barraba at about 4.30am


Then we Cruised into Tamworth for fuel and a quick photo in front of the Golden Guitar


Breakfast at Maccas and Meet up with Saaz


then it was off to Armidale, picking up Kimmy and Karl (Far Riders) along the way, with Chris (ST2UP) coming on board at Armidale.

The riding was sensational, doing the waterfall way, you can ride up and down that hundreds of times and not get bored!

and then to make it better there a great little stop called Fusspots for a quick break


then it was the run into Nambucca, by this time, the 3 hours sleep was starting to kick in a little, but the comms with diesel, and the good riding kept me buzzing!

Before we came into Check in as we where a little early, Chris took us up to a great lookout, and i got this great shot of the bikes and the sea..this is what you all missed out on


all in all there where 7 ST's there (Diesel has the group shot photos)


put the Helmet on the back seat the same as everyone else, we walked up to check in everyone kept stopping me and asking about my docket, was it right this year  :rofl, do you want us to check it for you  :rofl

walked up to clint and handed over my docket, and even he had a big grin, wanted to make sure this one was doubly right! but it was, and i had done it, easier than i thought i would have, but i got the tick, and i got my completion, bought my cap and sticker, and headed off for a very satisfying lunch!


needless to say lunch and afternoon consisted of many conversations and story telling and the odd beverage, we went to get the bikes to check in and i got my one really sour note of the trip, my brand new evoline 3 had fallen off the bike  :cuss :cuss :cuss


but screens can be replaced  :thumb

I was in bed early as i was shot, and left the rest with the drinkies, someone ask diesel about low doorways by the way, i crashed for 10 hours!

This Morning we packed up and the ST brigade headed for Breakfast at Anchors Wharf Cafe, Urunga (if you are near there you have to go, talk about sensational!)

we bidded goodbye to Saaz and Chris, added Fuel and it was turning the STeads for home, on some exellent advice from chris we came home up the Orara Way (Great Piece of Road), to Grafton and Summerland way to Casino where it was time for a stretch and break.


This is the last of my photos, but what i can say is the run home was sensational! Kyogle to Boonah Mt Lindsey Road, if you have not done it do it!

Boonah for lunch, we parked with a large group of Harleys and we marveled at the Roses Amonst the Thorns  :p (tongue in cheek of course)

all in all fantastic 3 days, around 1600km covered, great people, great roads, when can we go again!


Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: Gavo on February 03, 2013, 10:29:28 PM
 :thumbsup  Good one fellas  :thumbsup

Ive done the one in front and one behind with HIDs all on

also one to the left and one to the right , works really well

Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: Shiney on February 04, 2013, 01:24:13 AM
Legendary effort guys :-++ :-++ :-++
Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: gaz on February 04, 2013, 01:33:03 AM
con grates blokes :eek
Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: tj189 on February 04, 2013, 05:49:42 AM
Well done indeed guys  :thumbs
Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: Streak on February 04, 2013, 06:17:15 AM
Here are a coupe more photos:

We took the opportunity to have a photo with saaz, diesel and myself with Clint and Ghost rider with our flags


And here is the group photo of all the FarRiders who turned up:

Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: StinkyPete on February 04, 2013, 06:35:20 AM
Good effort to all, and congratulations Streak on your new "Farrider" status.   :thumb
Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: Biggles on February 04, 2013, 09:06:52 AM
Great ride report and photos.  You sure made a weekend of it!  Now you're addicted you'll be riding all over the country doing FarRides   :grin
Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: Streak on February 04, 2013, 10:31:08 AM
Look at that winning smile :)


"Tower, this is OzSTOC Rider requesting a flyby"
TOWER "Negative, OzSTOC Rider, the pattern is full"

Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: Brock on February 04, 2013, 12:33:11 PM
Need a flouro jacket (and a white bike) to really get noticed.. :beer :beer
Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: alans1100 on February 04, 2013, 12:40:49 PM
Now you're addicted you'll be riding all over the country doing FarRides   :grin

Border Ride comes to mind.......

Congrats fom Heather and I
Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: SToz on February 04, 2013, 05:00:56 PM

Sitting in a servo???....while it's pissing down outside?????.....and you call yourselves farrrrrrrriders?????

 :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

The shame........


Well done gents..... :hatwave

Okay Rule #1 and all that bullsh!t......I know......I know.... :rofl
Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: Pete on February 04, 2013, 10:08:45 PM
Great effort guys, well done.... :runyay
Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: Streak on February 04, 2013, 10:35:08 PM
Thanks everyone, it has been a while since I haven been able to do km'a like that....was excellent preparation for national rally (don't worry Shiney not going to make you do a 1,000km in one go...yet), learnt a lot about the bike, and how far I can go comfortably before needing a break.

There Is some wise old heads on FarRiders, and I am excited and a little privileged to get my number (not for everyone, but small things you know)
Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: Wild Rose on February 04, 2013, 10:48:53 PM

Good report and great effort to all. Especially Streak who achieved his first FarRide

Leo  :hatwave :hatwave
Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: Shiney on February 05, 2013, 12:29:44 AM
....was excellent preparation for national rally (don't worry Shiney not going to make you do a 1,000km in one go...yet)....

 :-[ Was starting to get a little worried >:()

But seriously I hope one day to be of a fitness and endurance level to be able to do 1000ks in a day :eek
Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: Streak on February 06, 2013, 11:34:34 AM
Well the email has just come through, i have my number: FarRider 667!

Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: SToz on February 06, 2013, 12:52:45 PM
Let me guess....Diesel is 666......?????
Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: ST2UP on February 06, 2013, 01:15:25 PM
Congrats mate  :runyay......got mine aswell #660


Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: saaz on February 06, 2013, 01:54:23 PM
Diesel got his number ages ago, but it would suit...

Let me guess....Diesel is 666......?????
Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: SToz on February 06, 2013, 06:36:30 PM
Well done to all the newbie FarRiders...... :thumbs
Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: gaz on February 09, 2013, 11:10:45 AM
Well the email has just come through, i have my number: FarRider 667!


Well done to all FarRiders..... :hatwave
Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: royst1100 on February 09, 2013, 04:40:23 PM
good onya  :thumbs  :hatwave  :runyay  :beer
Title: Re: Streaks FarRide "The Redemption" Nambucca Heads
Post by: Carsten on February 11, 2013, 11:05:26 AM
Congratulations on the FarRide number.  I had some friends complete their first FarRide with me in Tassie on the weekend.  Huge smile at finishing.