Author Topic: racks  (Read 1803 times)

Offline STuzzilla

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« on: November 06, 2016, 12:30:43 PM »
Hi everybody i am thinking about having some racks made similar to the MMoto system but with some mods maybe including a tow bar. The price now with postage is ridiculous so it's definately worthwhile to make some. I have an magician welder who makes racing outfits so the quality is really up there. He can even do leading links and has done TESI style as well( single side swing arm) so he knows his stuff. If he can do 170mph with no breakages then he has my vote! Although he did have a 130mph off recently due to a broken steering on a F2 the poms made it not him and yes it was a famous brand ! ( yes he got to spend some time with the lovely ICU nurses).
So I am looking for interest as the cost will come down if there are a few sets made. I haven't worked out the details yet but any suggestions would be great as far as what has worked in the past and what doesn't.
I was also thinking of a system where you can use a single cop seat and have an extra rack behind me with a backrest for solo trips and a fuel carrier. My bike has an extra pump under the seat already so must have had an extra tank at some stage.( Never shall i run out of juice in the middle of the night again !). If possible i want a modular system ie use part or all of it.
So if anyone is interested or already has something they have made up for ideas that would be great.

Thanks STuzzilla.
Life is too short to live without a bike, or too damn long.
RX125 (killed a 180B)
Le Mans 3 (160,000km's of pleasure and pain)
and my new extra testicle 1998 ST1100 P