Author Topic: Border Run 2012 & Centerline 24  (Read 3547 times)

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Border Run 2012 & Centerline 24
« on: August 13, 2012, 05:12:01 PM »
The Border Run has come around again and with an added bonus I had work to do in Alice Springs and a remote community in WA so work suggested as the dates clashed a little and NT had a holiday on the week before I get away early and they pay for the fuel to Alice and on the return leg, done deal.

With the formalies out of the way and as I didn’t have to be in Alice until Tuesday I had a nice easy cruise down the Stuart Highway taking in the sights, Devils Marbles, Daley Waters Pub, Cutta Cutta Caves and went beyond Alice to have a look at the Rock and The Olgas (yes I know they now are referred to by their traditional names which are too hard to spell)
After a couple of R&R days I headed back into Alice and was surprise to find Coldcomfort on the side of the road ready to ambush me, We had arranged for me to leave the bike at his place while I went off to work and return to complete the ride. After settling in to my digs CC and myself continued to catch up over a few beers at his place, once again mate thanks for the hospitality and the use of your garage it was greatly appreciated.

So off to work for a few days, or so I thought during one of our visits to the remote Aboriginal Community it appears I upset one of the camp dogs and he decided to take a liking to the back of my leg. The medical people thought it better for me to come back to Alice earlier so the hospital could take a look as most of these camp dogs carry all kinds of disease, luck for me I had all the Hep and Rabies shots before I moved to Thailand some time ago so a booster shot was that was required.

Back in Alice I had 2 choices go home or see how the bite panned out and head south fortunately I took the latter option and continued onto the Border stopping at Coober Pedy and Ceduna along the way. Made a detour at Port Augusta and went and said G’day to Davo, caught up with Saaz and Lionel who were also looking for the plaque took some pics and headed west. Ceduna was alive with bikes on the Friday night with people bunked down everywhere and the computer was alive with Spot notations.

Saturday morning was an easy trip to the village to be greeted by Cliff and a sign off for the trip. A good time was had by all (and for some an extra good time) as celebrations carried into the night. Great to catch up with everyone some old faces and may new ones, unfortunately some didn’t make it for various reasons while others plans did not come to fruition, there is always next year.

At this stage I still hadn’t finalised my trip home although I did have a plan for a Centreline 24 in the tank bag I was still contemplating a trip west and head home via Broome. During the night I decided that the Broome option was not a goer as I needed to be back in Darwin for work on Tuesday and Broome added a day.
So that left me 2 options Border Village to Port Augusta and then a Centreline 24 for the final leg or as I did last year BV to Coober Pedy and then a SS2000 home, decisions decisions !!

I thought I’de give the Centreline a crack and headed to Port Augusta leaving the BV at about 6.30 so I could get plenty of rest before the big one, stayed at the Big 4 which just happens to be next door to the 24hrs Shell and all roads north - perfect. After a steak and rice on the camp BBQ it shut down for a wake up time of 5.00am.

As with before all big rides sleep did not come easy or constant and all to soon the alarm was going off and it was time to hit the road, everything packed away, muesli bars in the tank bag, camelback filled, boiled eggs in the bag, some up and go breakfast mixes and some bananas this was to be the staple diet for the next 24hrs.

Off to the Shell for the awaiting Starting Docket, filled the main tank and Aux tank, paperwork signed and the SD noted a time of 5:45am time to give this a go and hopefully hit Darwin within the 24.

Starting at that time I only had a few hours of night riding in semi unfamiliar areas and they passed fairly quickly as I headed to my first stop of Coober Pedy, this was an area where I wanted to get through in daylight as I had seen a number of dead cows on the way down and wasn’t too keen on meeting them at dark o’clock. All went well and not a great deal of livestock was seen in the way of natives or cattle and I hit Coober Pedy only to see JefferZZR taking a pic under the CP sign, by the time I filled the bike and went for a wee walk he was in the servo next to me, unfortunately no time to chat explained the situation so he didn’t think I was a rude bastard a quick pics and seeya mate well catch up in Darwin eh!!

Next planned stop was Alice Springs however I dropped the ball a little and was behind or even on a couple of times plus Alice was a stretch I felt ( a little doubt was creeping in at this stage and it was only early) so I decided to do a slash and run at Erldunda. Pulled in jumped off the bike pulled the nozzle and the guy next to me on a KTM explained they were changing shift and we had to wait a few minutes I explained I didn’t have a few minutes and he said “it’s only a couple of minutes mate not a problem” too hard to explain so went to the toilet, topped the bike and off sorry mate but few minutes is a few minutes.

Heading toward Alice this GT1400 went in the opposite direction yep ColdComfort was out for a ride, I was in serious NT mode and as I found out later he has guessed what I was up to and didn’t chase up for a chat and a beer. Pulled into Alice about the half-way point had a quick feed of bananas and eggs had been eating bars on the way so felt pretty good. Time wise I was now a little up on the plan and the plan had a little fat in it so decided it was still doable.

Next planned stop was Tennant Creek and the final run into TC would be in the dark, all the way didn’t see too many skips or cattle but in the back of my mind was this was where Spider Rider met his match SO BEWARE. Clint and I had discussed where it had happened the previous night so I had a rough idea and sure enough came around a corner and on the side of the road was a herd of black cattle I’m glad Davo was with me and I passed through without a problem.

Pulled into Tennant Creek pretty much on the money maybe up a little, thoughts came through that still had the night sections yet so some doubt about making a CL24 into a 36, still feeling good but possibly a little fatigue creeping in and doubts are forming. Next planned stop was Katherine once again this was pushing the distance so I decided to pick up a little time by sitting on the 130 (or there abouts) with the hope of a splash and dash at Reneer Springs, so far no wildlife damb I must be blessed.

Topped up at Reneer Springs for future reference open until 11.00 and soon to be 24hr (bloody expensive tho at 195.5 and TC was 1.45 go figure. Well the good luck came to a shuddering halt on the next leg to Katherine, bloody skippies everywhere not to mention the cattle, and next time I say the NT only has little roos smack me around the back of the head pls, there are some big grey buggers also. Had a few close calls and 2 actual hits one into the front forks only a small one and a bigger one into the rear pannier then HID’s were really paying for themselves at this stage. In between the thick patches there were periods where there were none so time wise I was fairly lucky. My luck nearly ran out when I was coming up on a bend say some cattle on the side of the road and just as I hit the corner a Road Train decided to tell me I was on high beam (which I wasn’t) or to show me a dead cow in the middle of the road, I flashed him back and just picked up the silhouette of the carcass as my foot ran down the side, that was a deciding moment where the adrenalin kicking in and probably got me over the line.

I pulled into Katherine with a little time up my sleeve and just as well as the person in front of me was buying out the takeaway bar at 2:17 in the morning man her indigestion must have played havoc the next day with what she was eating.

Katherine to Darwin done it on my ear a number of times easy 2.5hrs as I left town the roos line the street, bloody hell not again but this dropped of fairly quickly as I had planned (hoped)and didn’t see another one all the way the Darwin. The big problem was yer easy run done it heaps of times BUT not with 21hrs of riding before and things got a little tight, shoulder hurt, pants were irritating heaps and heaps of smoke from fires up to the side of the road. However the carrot was there so I jumped off the bike downed a can of Mother did a few jumps and got the blood flowing, the temp was a bit warmer so dropped the thermals and off I went the new outlook carried me through with still thoughts of just missing the target
Rode into Adelaide River and there are red lights flashing everywhere with one of those automatic red light systems and of course my side is red, waiting, waiting, waiting and every minute seemed like an hour finally green of I go only to be confronted by another set about 500m up the road and yep it was red again. This time some traffic came through but the wait was painfull finally I got the  green again and off I headed to hopefully no more.
My target point came up which is Noonamah 20ks which is the point where I can usually relax as I’m close to home and about 60ks from Darwin and still some time up my sleeve.

Finally the lights of Darwin came into view and I knew I was home and just about had it nailed but as they say it aint over until the docket is in the pocket and the forms are signed, as I travelled through Darwin there was people everywhere and all dressed up, finally gelled Monday was Darwin Cup day and these were the stragglers getting home, now that’s some staying power. I pulled into my bank and yep you guessed it ”out of order” so went to the next one all good, then headed to the Shell servo to make sure put $10 in got another docket and the papers signed off with half an hour to spare. Then and only then did I breathe a sigh of relief and the smile came across my face as tired and sore as I was I felt like a million dollars.

Of the rides I have done this was certainly the toughest, thanks Davo for setting the goal now to start planning for next year. A few pics from the trip over none on the way back I'm afraid.

Daley Water Pub

Devils Marbles

Clouds along the way

Those clouds turned into a impressive sunset

Kings Canyon here I come

The Canyon or part of it - the serenity

The Rock

The Olga's

Some interested onlookers on the way back to Alice

Cannonball Memorial for some not so lucky

Met a new friend in Alice

The Border NT/SA

Davo's favourite place and I can understand why

Port Augusta I'm sure this bridge has seen a few FarRiders over the years

Half way across this great country of ours

One of my favourite places

And again

And again

The Village and some familiar faces as Bazz turns around for the home leg

A few of the attendees

Where I've been

And where I'm headed
I don’t wanna a pickle just wanna ride my moto sickle
FarRider # 349     IBA # 47578

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Re: Border Run 2012 & Centerline 24
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2012, 05:56:14 PM »
Excellent write up, and well done.
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Re: Border Run 2012 & Centerline 24
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2012, 06:13:19 PM »
I know we saw you behind us at Kimba, but I'm thinking it may have been you that we saw head south across the bridge at Port Augusta.

We could see a red 1300 on the bridge while we were in the shopping centre carpark........Heather waived but not sure if the rider waved back or not.

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Re: Border Run 2012 & Centerline 24
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2012, 07:11:08 PM »
Great read, great photos , well done :thumb :blk13
Adam aj1300/ KTM

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Re: Border Run 2012 & Centerline 24
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2012, 07:44:07 PM »
 :thumbsup Outstanding love the piccies  :thumbsup
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Re: Border Run 2012 & Centerline 24
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2012, 09:19:41 PM »
like i said on the other forum, well done again  :thumbsup
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Re: Border Run 2012 & Centerline 24
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2012, 09:21:19 PM »
Wow!  The cows and roos sure make the challenge hazardous!  I'd be inclined to say "Right, done that.  Now I don't have to do that again, thank God!"
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Re: Border Run 2012 & Centerline 24
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2012, 09:47:26 AM »
Brilliant write, great pics and very glad you made it, would have been a real bummer to have missed out!! Well done!.
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Re: Border Run 2012 & Centerline 24
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2012, 12:13:19 PM »
AWESOME PICS Oz!!! Thanks for a great read.      :thumbs :thumbs

Who'd a thought straight road could have sooooo much adventure!         :rofl

Black cattle on the road at night with road trains coming the other way eh? Bugger that!      :eek

Well done mate on the paperwork side of it too.      :thumb

Cheers, Diesel
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Re: Border Run 2012 & Centerline 24
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2012, 10:37:53 AM »
You sir are a legend :-++ :-++ :-++
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Re: Border Run 2012 & Centerline 24
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2012, 11:46:33 PM »
Just came across your write up and thoroughly enjoyed the read. I have driven to Darwin but would like to do it on the bike with a group of like minded people (any takers?) Thanks for sharing your experience along with your photos.
Cheers  :beer