Just a word abt weight distribution on the Steeds.
Be careful how and where you pack that weight for the rally weekend.
Seems the ST isn't as stable as a few of us think because of an issue with the screens and the heavy loads on the back.
Found it last night the reason why ST's were taken out of action in Qld a few years ago.
With the large amount of weight of carried behind the back axle the bikes were giving out the death wobbles at speeds in excess of 120k.
It was also dependent on which level the screen was at.
Must admit when I overpacked to go to Albany a few years ago I had the problem but since I'd only been on the bike for a coupla weeks thought it was just something the ST's did. The front end was not tracking properly when gunning to pass B Doubles and the like. Scary stuff.
Not something that's going to effect many of us but it was put down by a coroner as the reason a Scottish policeman died when training - at 180k's. The link is
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/merseyside/6600897.stm.We've probably all had the problem but just weren't going quick enough for it to be an issue.
Pack light and travel well and enjoy, see you at Middleton.