Sorry for sounding vage but I don't no what you mean and what the problem is. ?
Well as you can see from rust marks on the sensor 'ring', it had become a
saw as the wheel rotated and had
chewed the sensor to destruction as a result the < 0.1mm clearance between
it and the
sensor. In fact in this case the ring has begun to grind out the alloy sensor attach post. The OEM sensor protruded beyond its holder. The non-OEM sensor doesn't because it is a tad different in structure and it's now shimmed to sit higher.
Nevertheless, when I took this photo the ring was still on its merry way of destruction. It doesn't now, and you can now see a defined
air gap (but not in this photo), :-), why does this happen?
...and how to rectify it?
Just a matter to ponder over and of thought provocation only, no more than that
Cheers, the can :-)