*This mod was passed on to me by Abe, so all credit goes to him
*Have you ever had difficulty seeing the lights on the dash that indicate when the indicators are on?
If the answer is YES
(Or if you just want a cool farkle
) then this mod is for you!
First get a ten little LED’s from the shop
(5 for each side, this is the max that should be used) and a bit of electrical wire (enough to make four lengths 20cm long)
Cut the wire into four lengths 20cm long.
Solder five LED’s together and then 20cm of wire to each end (repeat this step with the remaining five LED’s and the remaining lengths of wire)
EDITIf you make this your self, you will need to know the polarity of the leads on the LEDs themselves. If you connect one the wrong way around, they wont work. Also, if you connect the wires the wrong way around they wont work, no damage tho just swap the wires.
Each LED is polarity sensitive. That is one side is + the other - so when connecting them in series connect then so you have:
Lead to indicator positive
Lead to Indicator negative or ground.

*This is one of the ones that Abe made for me.*Knock the plastic mirror covers off to expose the back of the mirrors.
*To remove the cover, hold the cover in one hand and tap the outer edge with the palm of your other hand*

On the outer edge of the mirror you will see a number of holes, this is where the LED’s will be installed.

Next get a drill and a drill bit about the same size as the LED bulbs, and drill out the back of five of the holes
** BE CAREFUL NOT TO DRILL ALL THE WAY THROUGH**This way the holes will retain the nice oval shape on the mirror side

Now place the LED’s into the holes, with the negitave wire to the top, and silicane them in place, or as Brock suggests:
For speed when fitting the LEDs, use a hotglue gun. the whole project can be done in minutes, instead of hours waitng for the silicone to go off.

*I waited a while before taking this step so the silicane had a chance to dry*Now earth the top wire. I did this by running it to where the mirror is attached to the bike.

Then attach the positive to the powered indicator wire (Blue on one side, Orange on the other)
**MAKE SURE YOU DO THIS ON THE BIKE SIDE OF THE PLUG** (This way the mirror cover can be removed without dismantling the farkle.)
You can attach the wire however you like, cut and solder, as I did use a wire joining clip or as Brock suggests:
Use a two pin plug n socket, the same as the indicator leads and just plug them in. Easy to disconnect then and fit o another bike.

And that’s it

give it a test then replace the mirror covers.
*The mirror cover is replaced by lining up the clips on the bike with the three metal legs on the cover and tapping the cover with the palm of your hand towards the bike*

As a final note I would like to give a BIG thanks to ABE for this mod, and to BROCK and GADGET for the extra advice on the electrics, Thanks guys you’re a legends :