Well - time for the port and smoking jackets....
It's about diminishing the greatness of God the Creator as well as the elite, illuminati, Nasa, etc covering up their own thieving, lying, syphoning of trillions of US taxpayer dollars over the years.
If the Earth was flat and the most glorious of God's creations, it would rightfully sit in the centre of the mantlepiece as the most prized creation of all. The Athiest Freemasons at Nasa want you to believe that you are nothing special, and are tucked away in an unimportant dusty part of the universe surrounded by many billions of potentially similar planets, and that you came from a giant fart giving birth to the universe and all its matter out of literally nothing!. The guy in the following clip explains WHY better than I can - but you have to get past his dull monotone dialogue and listen to the words he is saying.....
There are many things around us that scream the Earth is flat and still - NOT a spinning ball that can hold water, and rotates at 1,000mph and orbits at 66,000mph whilst doing a lap of a humungus galaxy at 480,000mph as well as flying away from a central point of the original big bang!
That is so much harder to believe. I don't know which is true - but there has never been a successful scientific experiment EVER showing the attracting force of gravity! (For instance - marbles on the floor next to a bowling ball, and they simply roll to the bowling ball). You can see an apple fall from the tree - but that is to do with bouyancy and density.
It has been a lot of fun seeing all the views and vids of people's opinions on this. Jury is still out though.