How can this happen? There's no one in Australia who can verify that the ride was done. Sort of cheapens the IBA name one would think, getting the cert before it's all verified.
Malcolm, as far as I am aware and I agree with you, there is no one in Australia who can verify that the ride was done. Oh hang on, I think from memory Pat did one for the Davo ride or was heavily involved in it, you may like to chat to him regarding that though.
Now, I am sure, before you fired off this post you had already looked at the post located here and read what was entered in the text, especially the bit after;
"At the completion of this ride members will be presented with their IBA OZSTOC SS1600K certificate, other items described below and accordingly their membership to the IBA (if not already a member). Please read the general information below to see how this works."
Now, if you have and you did not understand the IBA requirements, then maybe a PM requesting clarification, would have been a better option rather than an innuendo, that what is happening is outside the requirements of the IBA or in your words "cheapens the IBA name". You could not be further from the truth. What is occurring, fits entirely within IBA requirements. Anyone can organise and conduct a ride of this nature anywhere in the world, the rules are the same for everyone. The idea behind this ride was and is to encourage safe long distance riding, specifically for OzSTOC members that may have been a bit unsure of how to go about it. Thankfully we have a bit of a mix for this ride.
The OzSTOC SS1600K is being conducted under the rules/requirements of the IBA, verification of the ride, as for all Australian rides is conducted by the IBA. The verification process is still conducted by the IBA and all information goes to the US.
No certificates will be presented to participants until the ride has been completed.
Malcolm, I am not sure of your reasoning in your comments but they are unfounded for this ride, should you have other information to the contrary then please share it.
I do, however apologise if I have not been clear enough in the requirements for this ride, that is on me and not OzSTOC. I have attempted to be transparent in its conduct to ensure that there would be no opportunity for riders to think that this ride was not being conducted under the requirements of the IBA...... I have failed in my attempt to do that, therefore I can only say that I am sorry.