Well thanks to Wombattle I have a loan of his Honda Police over mirror light brkts......they are with my guy (former Blacksmith & Trumpy rider) now for a play.
Things we are considering
- Plates knocked out with his plasma cutter and then bent to suit left & right side.
- Hole in the top upright section of the mount to allow lights wiring to be inside the upright and out of view.
- Plates with or without the bottom spacer to allow for those already using MCL under mirror mounts.
- Considering supplying them either complete OR without the upright welded to the plate so then you have the option of getting the angle of upright to plate correct for your style of light so that a larger and perhaps lighter light
could be used and still clear the screen. Then just have the welding completed at your local fabrication shop.
- Brackets will be supplied undercoated only so you can paint as you wish.
- Cutting out the existing rubber mirror insert with be your responsibility but we may do a cheat sheet and may provide the 4 bolts in stainless steel.
Don't worry about orders etc, I still need to have built, tested and priced out......this is just a for your info if your considering this as a future farkle.