Sounds like they beat you to the punch by a bit.
About 15 years ago I worked for a company in Adelaide who were going through some tough financial times, so me and her-in-doors decided that we would go back to the Middle East and make some real money for a couple of years. We both went through interview processes for jobs in different industries, mine in Aviation, hers in Nursing, and both got offered jobs in the same city for different companies to start 4 weeks hence. So I decided that on the Friday morning I was going to go see my boss and quit. So come the day I go and knock on his door, and he says come in and that he has something he needs to talk to me about, and before I can tell him I am handing in my resignation, he tells me that the Company has decided that they are going to be forced to make me redundant. I burst out laughing, which really confused him 'cause he'd never seen that response to a redundancy meeting before. Any, long story short, had he waited another minute or so it would have saved him a whole bunch of money, but I was pleased because it all went nicely into our bank account!