Author Topic: March/April 2013 Newsletter  (Read 1483 times)

Offline Streak

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March/April 2013 Newsletter
« on: April 27, 2013, 08:37:19 PM »
March/April 2013 Newsletter

Well everyone it has been a massive two months for OzSTOC, with so much happening in the land of the Australian St Owners Club, we will try and fit everything in Below!

OzSTOC National Rally 2013

A Massive thank you has to go to Stinky Pete and all the South Australian Members involved in putting together National Rally 2013, it is a credit to the hard work and effort that went into making everything run so seamlessly, and for the time put aside to organize everything, you have certainly given the Victorians a very high standard to live up to!

Below are some of the photos that i was emailed, thought I would put them up, if you want the Hi Rez Version, just click on the image, then right click on it to save, you can take it to a photo place to have it blown up of need be.

These are not all my photos Credit goes to IanB and everyone who took the time to take a shot and send it to me:thumb

Several IBA rides where done getting there, and we have several new guys who had never done more than commuting completing 1,000km days, and looks like there will be some new faces at Far Rides this year 

Total Turn out
37 ST's, 1 goldwing, 1 BMW R1150RT (Last Year we had 20 ST's, 1 BMW)
51 People, fantastic time was had by all! (Last year we had 24 People)

Group Photo

Award Winners

Member of the Year: Stinkey Pete (SA)
Best Presented ST: Leethal (SA)
Most Charismatic ST: Tipsy (QLD)
Furthest Travelled: West Aussie Glen (WA)
Silliest Moment: Octane (Now Bushie or Offroad) (VIC)
Encouragement Awards: Shiney &  Cerebral Knievel) (Both QLD), Pete & Mel (SA)

Phil donated trophies from the SA OzSTOC Crew:

SA OzSTOC Awards
Red Faced: Octane (VIC)
Elbows and Ashfelt: Pete & Mel (SA)
Closest to the Cloth: Sargent (NSW)
Mile Master: Stinkey Pete (SA)

For the Full Ride Report from national rally and the going on, you’re going to have to Wait until the 15th of May when the Next edition of Australian Road Rider comes out, there will be 8 pages about the rally!
State Events.


FNQ RTE Cardwell Sunday 7th April

It took 6 ST’s to deliver a seat to Macdoc, as everyone tagged along for a coffee and a get together in the North!

S.E QLD ESK Bakery 27th April

Fantastic Roll Up of People! 22 ST’s 30 odd people, 4 or 5 ring in bikes, We just love Visiting there, we all got a free coffee on arrival, just really good people, we had at least 6 new faces there as well!


NSW Mill Hotel Breakfast Sunday 7th April 2013

A fine roll up of nearly everyone who flagged their intention to attend a good old fashioned big breakfast.
Saaz was the rider from relatively far afield coming from the national capital starting around 7.00am. Top effort while Abe could practically see his wife eating her picnic breakfast from where he came from. However, Abe is to be congratulated on attending as family matters have been of the highest priority of late.
A good chat was had by all and the coffee was first class!


Victorian RTE Sunday 14th April 2013 April Buninyong

Lunch was had at the Buninyong Hotel, lots of new faces, everyone got to meet up with some of the Fantastic Members of OzSTOC Victoria!

Western Australia

WA Sunday Morning Coffee Run via 3 Dams (7th April)

The Westies headed to 3 for a coffee at Canning Dam (Cafe on the Dam) along the way

WA Lunch Mumballup 14th April

A great Bunch of Westies headed out to the Forest Tavern Mumballup about 200km from Perth a good Country ride to the local pub for a drink and chat on some good WA roads!

OzSTOC Ride Map & Calender

The ride calendar is functioning and is a great way to see what is upcoming, and to go with it, diesel has put together a Google Map showing everything as well, so take a peek! Quick Link:


Ulysses AGM 2013

We had a fantastic bunch of OzSTOC members attend the AGM, and had a blast, they also Scouted for all Versions of ST’s finding over 40 people who didn’t know about us, Tony ended up on Channel 7 covered in OzSTOC gear, and some bloody good photos to show for it as well.

OzSTOC in Australian Motorcyclist Magazine

We made into the Bear (Peter Theoming)’s new magazine under clubs and had a great 1 page run, excellent to see us up in lights


We Presented two people with a very deserving certificate of appreciation from OzSTOC, firstly Col Barn, the owner of ESK Bakery in QLD for all his support of the Club, they have helped finance both national rally’s, and they always give members of the club a free coffee whenever we have an event there, just good people (he could not be there so one of his staff accepted it on his behalf.

Secondly, IAN (IANB) BEATON is the OzSTOC Photographer responsible for all the amazing National Rally photos from 2012 & 2013, he also has taken many professional photos for us for using to promote the club, he has donated much time and energy to us, and without him Diesel and I would have been up creek without paddle!


We have set the website up for Tapatalk now, Tapatalk enables you to load the forum  on your tablet or smartphone, helping you keep up to date with the Goings on of OzSTOC without having to always switch on a computer!

Download the iPhone/iPad or Android App and start enjoying a new, and truly mobile experience.

OzSTOC Riders Down

Two of our Finest have been Laid low, Skip & Whizz both had major health issues crop up, we wish them speedy recovery’s, and anyone wishing to send them a message of support or welcome is encouraged!

Who’s Who of OzSTOC

This is a great thread that helps you really put the Face to a name in the Club, we encourage everyone to fill it out and post in it, helps you at that next Ride To Eat when you’re trying to put forum names to faces, quick link:

Long/Short Distance Riding

We all ride our bikes in different ways, if you’re curious on something, post up and ask the question, as there is a phenomenal amount of experience in the club, whether it is commuting or your heading off around Australia, we welcome all thoughts and opinions.

Pillions/Ladies Forum Board

As Announced today at the SE QLD Esk Bakery RTE, We have added a Pillions/Ladies Board to the website, we encourage all the pillions and ladies to make use of it, sharing your thoughts and experiences, and asking questions about how to make the back seat world more enjoyable Quick Link:

Now Men, We have appointed the Pocket Stocker to moderate this section, so Jean will pull you up quick smart if we start to take over a conversation, this is for the other halves, givers of leave passes, and Minsters of War and Peace!


We have rolled over 400 members, and growing!
The mix of new faces, with the strong positive people that have been here for a long time is functioning really well, it has been amazing watching the friendships that are forming right around the country, and the help and advice that is flowing with it, first class!


The shop has been going well, a heap of new shirts have been out the door over the last few weeks.
We are looking at getting thermal travel mugs with the OzSTOC Logo engraved on them, seeing so many of keep riding all over the place!

From the Team of Brock, Saaz, Streak & Diesel:

We have been growing well, and the group is really functioning well, if you have a thought, or something you want to put forward, send one of us a message, or give us a call, we are open to any and all ideas, it is you the members that keep this place functioning!


Brock, Saaz, Streak & Diesel

Streak (Graham)
Storm Trooper
2010 White DL650 Strom
FarRider #667
IBA #59145
Aussie Hard Arse #63

Offline Wombat

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Re: March/April 2013 Newsletter
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2013, 10:51:49 PM »
Great work and a credit to the workers and organizers of OZSTOC.  :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :thumbs

Proud ozSToc 573
FR 719
White has the power
A lost surveyor is called an explorer