Ok seeing it feels like I am being called into question here.
We have moved on from the kitchen table, as for the shirts it is beyond reproach, we consulted around 20 OzStOC members around the country, for feedback, did you like it, opinions. You can ask all the crew at the Kingaroy RTE recently, I took a shirt there and discussed it with the people who didn't have to go early.
All the ride co-ordinations where shown the shirt, diesel and I were in on the process, in fact there where several shirts before this one was arrived at.
Why didn't we involve everyone? We actually wanted to make it a nice suprise for the club and help with hand over.
I make nothing doing this not a brass razoo, there is no bulk ordering, each shirt is done singly, it had to be ordered in, hooped twice on an Embriodery machine, packed up by a staff member and posted, the profit I make on each shirt is just enough to cover the staff wages to do the job.
Why is it done this way? We are a non for profit group, we don't have $10,000 in the bank to go and order 200 shirts, and then we would still have to personalize them.
We run a bank account yes, the leadership gets to see bank statements yes, I have a record of every product sold, I have a copy of every invoice of everything the club has purchased, everything that has been put into the OzStOC shop has been discussed with leadership. Brock, saaz, pocky, whizz, diesel will back this up.
How much money do I make out of this club? None, in the last 3 years I have put in around $4 to $5 thousand dollars to make sure the club goes ahead, and we could afford to do things, like rally's events, put products in the shop, and all the sponsors, they provided prizes for the events, up until this year only Esk bakery and myself where actually putting up cash for the rally, and from Esk bakery was $200, the rest was funded by myself.
I pride myself on everything that is done as has been cost effective, consulted, and in the best interest of the club, it has never been treated like a commercial enterprise at any point.
I have always said, and i have said it to you if anyone wants to come and go over the anything I have down I will put it on my kitchen table and you can go for it.
And going on from this, this is not a committee run democracy, it has always been about 95% a democracy! and 5% what diesel and streak say is what is going to happen, that decision making has now moved to Chris, Pocky and Saaz
We simply cannot consult the entire membership on every single decision that is made, nothing would ever get done.
There is no dictatorships, there is always consulting, you can ask around, there are lots of people including yourself that had been consulted on things from time to time, we share it around, there are many that will back that up. That way there was/is never a consideration of asking the same people and having bias, it is part of why I asked you to help with National Rally, you are able to give an opinion from afar like stinky Pete.
As for the "self appointment" yes in the beginning I had to, chris pocky and saaz have had the opportunity to go elsewhere they asked me to continue with the role, I said yes.
If anything I have done is considered beyond reproach, I shall stop, hand everything over and resign my membership immediately.