Some time back we had a rider who was down from NSW with a couple of mates and they decided to ride to the Ghost Tour at Port Arthur on this particular night :). Knowing that there was lots of wildlife at night they thought they'd be ok if they took it really slow.
Well they were travelling through Taranna, not far from here, and sitting on about 50 kph, one of them was placed directly behind a vehicle, believing that would be a fairly safe place to be thing he knew a kangaroo/large wallaby jumped straight in front of him, he didn't even get time to hit the brakes. He went straight over the handlebars and hit the deck face first
. When we got to him (ambulance) he still had his helmet on and was in heaps of pain. Fortunately for him he was wearing a full face helmet as when we removed it I noticed the visor had deep gouges through it. I remember thinking at the time that if it had been an open face helmet then his face would have been in a real mess. After cutting his almost new leather jacket from him, much to his dismay
, we determined that he'd broken his collarbone as well as a few other non life threatening injuries. With a smashed up bike and a trip to hospital it sort of stuffed up his holliday somewhat :( won't find this little turkey riding around here at night
no way!