Nice one Ray - just in the nick of time mate!
I just pulled out all my bluetooth gear and charged it, my uhf set - packed plenty of spare batteries, got the spare 2 litre fuel tin out (haven't filled it yet), got all the associated cords for hard drives, comms, cams, got out the camelbak pack to check it over (too late if sumting wong!).
New PR2 rear fitted and tested. Leaving cut down Summer screen on for this tour. Have a yet another nice surprise for OzSTOC Nat Rally attendees too - so this is packed as well.
Checked and rechecked routes/ETAs/activities etc
Haven't booked any accomm enroute yet tho.
Yeah, I know- Mrs Diesel HATES this about me.
What evs!
Oil/water etc rest of bike all good.
If I seem premature, it is because I am leaving 0600 this Sat!
Hope you're all having the same fun!
Cheers, Diesel
PS - just saw the previous two posts - well done men!