Sport oh yea no don't chase them any more
Uhuh ok definitatley not interested in any type of tap a ball...
I mean footy there is no longer any sportsman ship because of the money.
Cricket well I have seen paint dry faster.
And as for Tennis , I already have bad neck and anyway its just another Racket.
Now if it has an engine and hase wheels , floats or flyes
Yea I know here they come again or look they are making another left hand turn.
Don't care will not watch any other sport ,here their results or enter into any other type of sport related conversation.
But that's just me and yes in my younger days I played Rugby, Hockey, Soccer, Roller Hockey and Speed skating.but my favourit was atheletics.fromm the 800 metrs to the 5 & 10 k runs..
Oh and had my own speedway race car in NZ.